Health - Health, security & Environmental (Hse) management In Engineering custom
Good evening. Today, I learned all about Health - Health, security & Environmental (Hse) management In Engineering custom. Which is very helpful if you ask me and you. Health, security & Environmental (Hse) management In Engineering customComponents Of Hse Management
Health, safety and Environmental management should be part of the engineering profession in a country for the purpose of
o duty of care
o economic reasons and
o legal reasons.
Hse management should therefore consider five broad phases:
* Specifications
* Design and implementation
* Installation and commissioning
* Operation and maintenance
* Changes after commissioning.
* Compliance with the standards requires four necessary elements:
* Identification of safety functions required for the safe shutdown
* Assignment of a safety integrity level (Sil) for each safety function
* Use of the safety lifecycle for the engineering fabricate and
* Verification of the Sil achieved for each safety function.
3.0 Engineering Code Of Practice
The engineering code of custom takes into consideration the following:
* Public safety: Giving priority to the safety and well-being of the community and having regard to this principle in assessing obligations to the clients, employers and colleagues.
* Risk Management: Taking cheap steps to minimize the risk of loss of lives, injuries or suffering.
* Workplace and construction site: Minimizing inherent dangers complicated in the construction and fabricate of engineering products and processes.
* Public/Community well-being
* Communication
* Conflicts of interest
* Confidentiality
The privilege of practicing engineering is entrusted to those considerable and who have the accountability for applying engineering skills, scientific knowledge and ingenuity for the advancement of human welfare and ability of life. Fundamental principles of escort of engineers comprise truth, honesty and trustworthiness in their assistance to the society, honourable and ethical custom showing fairness, courtesy and good faith towards clients, colleagues and others. Engineers take societal, cultural, economic, environmental and safety aspects into consideration and strive for the efficient use of the world's resources to meet long term human needs.
4.0 Safe Engineering Designs
Safety is a concern in virtually all engineering fabricate processes. Engineers should understand safety in the context of engineering fabricate and what it means to say that a fabricate is safe against human injuries.
Current fabricate methods prioritize economic considerations over environmental ones. In some cases, economic considerations also serve environmental goals. For instance, the minimization of materials used in a structure means resources are saved. If they are saved at the price of the distance of the operating life of a product, then, economic considerations conflict with environmental interests which request that products be made as durable as inherent because of the need to minimize resource usage and waste generation in the long term.
Safety is the antonym of risk. So, a fabricate is safe to the extent that it reduces risk. Safe fabricate aims at minimizing risk in the acceptable sense of this term.
A safe fabricate is the mixture of all those procedures and principles that are used by engineers to make designed objects safe against accidents leading to human death or injuries, long term health effects, damage to the environment or malfunctioning in general.
Several fabricate strategies used to perform safety in operations of potentially dangerous technology are:
* inherently safe design
* safety factors
* negative feedback (self-shutdown) and
* multiple independent safety barriers.
Probabilistic Risk appraisal (Pra) is the most common method of assessing safety but safe designs are used to cut risks in the acceptable (probabilistic) sense but is inadequate. Safe fabricate strategies are used to cut estimated probabilities of injuries or reducing uncertainties not only risks. They are used to cope with hazards and eventualities that cannot be assigned meaningful probabilities.
5.0 Design principles In Engineering
There are four (4) main fabricate principles in Engineering practice.
(a) Inherently safe design:
This minimizes the inherent dangers in the process as far as possible. inherent hazards are excluded rather than enclosed or coped with. For instance, dangerous substances are substituted by less dangerous ones and fire proof materials are used rather than inflammable ones.
(b) Safety Factors
Construction should be strong enough to resist load and disturbances exceeding those that are intended. A common way to obtain such safety reserves is to hire explicitly chosen numerical safety factors are employed. If a safety factor of two (2) is employed when construction a bridge, then the bridge is calculated to resist twice the maximal load to which it will be exposed to in practice.
(c) Negative feedback mechanisms
This is introduced to perform a self-shutdown in case of expedient failure or when the operator looses control. Examples are safety valves that let out steam when the pressure is too high in a steam boiler and the dead man's hole that stops the train when the driver falls asleep. One of the most leading safety measures in the nuclear commerce is to ensure that reactors close down automatically in necessary situations.
(d) Multiple Independent safety Barriers
Safety barriers are arranged in chains, so that each wall is independent of its predecessors (if the first fails, the second is still intact). The first barriers preclude accidents; the second barriers limit the consequences of an accident and saving services as the last resort.
Safety factors and complicated safety barriers deal with uncertainties as well as risks. But currently, Probabilistic Risk prognosis (Pra) is used but does not deal with uncertainties. Probabilistic calculations can keep but will not supplant the Engineers' ethically responsible judgment (environment, health and safety culture).
Safety engineering principles also comprise schooling of operators, maintenance of tool and installations and incidence reporting are examples of safety practices of normal importance.
6.0 Health, safety & Environmental management In Engineering Practice
The Engineering profession is predicted to be the harbinger of Health, safety & Environmental management by virtue of the complexity of the output of the profession and their impacts on the lives of the normal populace. How have we carried this along in our professional practices?
Seven (7) bad engineering practices have been identified:
* Believing that if something is not specifically stated, whether "shall do" or "shall not do" in the standards, an engineer does not need to worry about it.
* Thinking that meeting the minimum requirements means the process is safe and complies with the standard.
* Ignoring the significance of good engineering practice.
* Designing systems that meet economic requirements but not safety safety requirements.
* Neglecting human factors (errors in calculations etc)
* Focusing on capital cost and not on lifecycle costs.
* Focusing only on the safety integrity level (Sil) and not on prevention.
Safety is an necessary ethical requirement in engineering practice. Strategies for safe fabricate are used not only to cut estimated probabilities of injuries but also to cope with hazards and eventualities that cannot be assigned meaningful probabilities. Designers have an ethical accountability to make constructions that are safe for time to come use. safety is implicated with avoiding distinct classes of events that are morally right to avoid.
In engineering design, safety consideration always includes safety against unintended human death or injuries that occur as a corollary of the unintended use of the designed object for:
* Prevention of damage to the environment
* Prevention of long term health effects
For example, if a bridge collapses, the engineers who designed it are held responsible.
Building designers and builders must obey construction safety in the use of Scaffolds, tool nets, tool boxes, mechanical lifts and by hand lifts under safe procedures, use of personal protective equipments (Ppes) on sites (boots/helmets), clear passages and road-ways, construction tapes to cordon off work areas etc. Most engineers have neglected this aspect, thus, playing with the lives of the generality of the populace.
What engineers do have chronic influences on safety and define our level of Environment, health and safety culture.
7.0 Ethical Obligations In Engineering Practice
Ethical obligations are necessary in order for engineers to carry out their profession. Without the promulgation of confidentiality, clients could not trust engineers with commercially sensitive information. Without these information, engineers could not do their jobs. The moral obligations of our profession can be understood as duties which are necessary.
There are five (5) Fundamental values necessary for the ethical obligations:
* Protection of lives and safeguarding of people.
* Professionalism, integrity and competence
* Commitment to community/public well-being
* Sustainable management and care for the environment
* Sustaining engineering knowledge
8.0 Engineering custom Requirements
* Engineers shall hold preeminent the Health, safety and Environment/welfare of the social in the custom of their profession.
* Engineers shall custom only in their areas or field of competence, in a meticulous and diligent manner and in conformance with standards, laws, codes, rules and regulations applicable to engineering practice.
* Engineers shall search for the societal and environmental impact of their actions and projects, together with the use and conservation of resources and power in order to make informed recommendations and decisions..
* Engineers should sound their interests clearly.
* Engineers shall sign and take accountability for all engineering works which they ready or directly supervised. Engineers may sign works ready by others only with their consent and after enough describe and verification.
* Engineers shall act as meticulous agents for their employers or clients and sound confidentiality, avoid conflicts of interest whenever inherent and disclose distinct conflicts.
* Engineers professional concerns must be made known to the client and the consequences of engineering decisions or judgments.
* Engineers should reject any social works, engineering decisions or custom that endanger the Hse of the public.
* Engineers shall commit to life-long learning, strive to strengthen the body of engineering knowledge and should encourage other engineers to do likewise.
* Engineers shall promote responsibility, commitment and ethics both in the schooling and custom phases of engineering. They should enhance society's awareness of engineer's responsibilities to the social and encourage the transportation of these principles of ethical escort among engineers.
9.0 Hse Sustainability management
This is about the long term survival of humanity. It recognizes that decisions made today must enable both those in the present as well as habitancy of the foreseeable time to come to make efficient choices about their ability of life.
Failure to identify risks to safety and the inability to address or operate these risks can corollary in massive costs, both human and economic. The multidisciplinary nature of safety engineering means that a very broad array of professionals are actively complicated in accident prevention or safety engineering.
A necessary fault endangers or few people. A catastrophic fault endangers, harms or kills a necessary amount of people. Engineer's errors or inability to merge the Hse management in his custom spells catastrophic.
10.0 The Way Forward
Everyone must strengthen his or her comprehension of Hse awareness by production safety a priority. Also, cost efficient solutions in order to gain the biggest return on investment should be developed.
Engineers take early fabricate of a system, analyze it to find what faults can occur and then recommend safety requirements in fabricate specifications upfront and changes to existing systems to make the principles safer.
If necessary safety problems are discovered late in the fabricate process, correcting them can e very expensive. This type of error has the inherent to waste large sums of money.
* At all times, take all cheap care to ensure that your work and the consequences of your work cause no unacceptable risk to safety.
* Take all cheap steps to make your management/client and those to whom they have a duty of care aware of the risks you identify.
* Make anyone overruling or neglecting your professional guidance formally aware of the corollary risks.
* It is necessary for engineers to sound a deep and broad comprehension of the many technical and professional custom issues that they will inevitably encounter in their role as employees of social owners. This is achieved straight through acceptable education, training, experience, license, professional engineering custom and chronic professional development.
11.0 Conclusion
The engineering custom like the construction commerce is the agent of social and economic development, the barometer of economic activities and a very large boss of labour in Nigeria. It accounts for over 60% of the total capital investment. It is the largest boss of labour (think of all the electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical and computer jobs in industries).
Health, safety and environment, which is implicated with life and property must be taken serious in this profession. safety procedures are necessary to preclude accidents, diseases and harmful effects on the health of the social at large arising from the activities in the commerce on site and its environs or off site.
Good Hse management is visible in a country straight through the ability of the professional ethics of the professionals, engineers inclusive and the level of her health values and the state of her environment, that is, her level of cleanliness (personal hygiene and social sanitation).
It can only be advanced straight through personal commitment, willingness and self-sacrifice because of the long and short run benefits therein. Hse management habit starts with safety consciousness. safety consciousness dwells with each and every one of us and should be taken along to our professional practices.
People should identify that their health and well-being are associated to the ability of their environment and should apply thoughtful principles to endeavor to enhance the ability of their environment.
As Engineers, we should lead others in being safety known at all times and refraining from doing anyone that may corollary to accident. We should apply safety measures to all our daily activities and take our safety and that of others around us as our responsibilities especially in our practices.
Finally, as Engineers we should pursue sustainable Health, safety & environmental management and make it part and parcel of our engineering custom today for the continued relevance of our profession tomorrow. It is only when this is done that our professional ethics will be meaningful knowing fully well that the products of our professional practices have great impact on the lives of the entire citizens of this country.
Health, safety & Environmental management habit is therefore not only necessary and but remains a vital ingredient of our professional ethics in engineering custom in Nigeria and elsewhere and this must be sustained always by all.
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